Become an Installer

Become an Installer
The crew leader will be in contact directly with our company’s building coordinator and will be responsible for assembling a 2-3 man team to assist with construction. He will earn significantly money based on our percentage structure and will be responsible for recruiting, maintaining and paying his crew members out of his override percentage money. Experience on installation of metal buildings is required. Being able to work with minimum supervision. We manufacture and install a wide range of metal structures including carports, garages, and barns which are sold both residentially and commercially. The ability to travel from 2-4 nights a week when required is a must for this position. Good communication skills are necessary as you will be expected to not only provide customer satisfaction but you will be working in close contact with our installer coordinator. The company will NOT provide any equipment, tools, truck or trailers to outfit a crew.
For more information, contact us or fill out the application below and someone will contact you as soon as possible!
Installer Application
Please fill out the contact form below. * = required